Update — Thank you, San Francisco voters and volunteers! Marjan was elected to the Democratic Party County Central Committee for Assembly District 19! We couldn’t have done it without your help!

Above: Marjan rallying the 5 am volunteer turnout crew on Election Day.

We did it!

The votes are in. Our team, the San Francisco Democrats for Change slate, won 18 of 24 seats across San Francisco County! Only registered Democrats could vote in this election.

Across AD-19, Marjan was the third-highest vote getter behind slate allies Sup. Catherine Stefani and Former Sup. Michela Alioto-Pier.

In the Richmond District alone, Marjan earned 7,003 Democratic votes compared to 6,025 Democratic votes for current Supervisor Connie Chan, who ran on the opposing slate.

These results demonstrate a seismic and historic shift in the political winds in San Francisco.

Common sense is a progressive value, and common sense is returning to San Francisco Democratic Party leadership.

We said “It’s time for a new direction…” and San Francisco Democrats agreed. Thank you, volunteers, supporters, and voters!

Read more:

Questions? Email info@votemarjan.com or call (415) 629-4504

Visit our Campaign Headquarters at 5025 Geary Blvd. between 14th & 15th Ave.

Get Involved Today!

Paid for by Vote Marjan Philhour for DCCC 2024.
Financial disclosures are available at sfethics.org